It’s that time of year, where we all reflect on the year that has just passed; the things we hoped for, the ways we have grown and the new year's resolutions we may not have kept…

Most years we feel guilty for the goals we didn’t reach and try harder to reach our goals in the new year. This drive, motivated by guilt, is unfortunately an unhealthy cycle that may actually be hindering us from reaching our potential. Here are 5 new year resolutions strategies for 2018:

1. Gratitude

It can be tempting to feel like the last year may have been lost if we have not achieved our new year’s resolutions set out for the year. This outlook can lead us into the new year with a sense of defeat, which can carry over into the new year.

Instead, think of all of the growth, the achievements and the milestones that HAVE passed this year. They may not have been what you thought you wanted to achieve for the year, however, without them, you may not be in the place you are now. So instead of guilt, look back at this past year with gratitude.

2. S.M.A.R.T.

Most people set goals for the new year, however often find it hard to follow through and see their goals become reality. This is partially because we may not be setting S.M.A.R.T goals; which are basically new year’s resolution strategies to make reaching your goals more achievable. These goals are, S - smart, M - measurable, A - action orientated, R - realistic and T - time based.

3. Do Less, More Often

It is very tempting to want to go all the way with our goals; we are either all in or all out, we are rarely balanced in our approach. Instead of trying to do everything, all the time, all at once, try to Do Less, More Often.

4. Keep Accountable

A great way to make sure you achieve your New Years goals is by bringing on an accountability partner (or several) to help keep you on track. If your New Year’s resolution is health based, try bringing on board your GP, Naturopath or Psychologist to help you along the way. 

5. Energy

An important thing to remember when setting goals, in particular the time frames for those goals, is keeping in mind that time available may not equal actual energy available.

There are several forms of energy that will all need to be taken into consideration when setting the actionable steps in place to achieve your goals. Physical, mental and emotional energy all need to be considered when setting your goals.

Often goals are set without flexibility for the unexpected. It is important to allow and even schedule in times to rest for physical, mental and emotional rejuvenation.

For more help with setting your goals:

ATUNE has many specialists and health practitioners who can help you work towards your goals. You can find out more here. 


Article by Hannah Taylor, Social Media Marketer at ATUNE

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