Vanessa Whiting - ATUNE Health Centres - Nurse
About Vanessa
I grew up in Caves Beach where I frequently swam and explored the caves, spent many hours on the local tennis court, and played any board and card game my 4 siblings would play with me.
I was one of the ‘guineapigs’ who commenced nursing in the very first intake at Newcastle University. We were to become the new breed of nurses exchanging hospital based learning for university degrees. Initially, we were seen as ill equipped nurses and not particularly well received, however, 36 years later change has certainly been embraced!
I spent my initial nursing years working in operating theatres before taking a break to have 4 children. I returned to work as a Practice Nurse and have remained in general practice mostly since my return. For a short time, I worked as an Immunisation Coordinator before being ‘pulled back’ to what I consider my favourite field of nursing – the primary health setting. What I love most about my job in general practice is the ongoing relationship I develop with patients and the variety of roles I perform. I meet an individual, hear them talk of their children, then immunise their grandchildren! Some of my roles include immunisations, women’s health, STI checks, chronic disease management, wound care and comprehensive health assessments. Every day is different and to see a familiar face puts a huge smile on my face.
Personal life:
In my spare time, I enjoy picnics with my family, playing tennis, reading, card and board games (still!), and inputting into our church network.