• Health Highlights - Kids Special // Paediatric OT

    What is Paediatric OT? How does it work? Would my kid benefit from an OT? Sarah Poissent has just opened a wonderful new centre in Charlestown. Listen to her passion about how OT can help your kids and watch how assessments and treatment are conducted each day. Get some incredible tips on what we parents can do at home to assist our child’s development. This is a great behind the scenes look at a fascinating profession. Let us know your thoughts about OT for your kids?

    Posted by Atune Health Centres on Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Paediatric OT (Kids Special) // Health Highlights

Paediatric OT (Kids Special) // Health Highlights2022-05-23T15:18:51+10:00
  • Health Highlights Kids Special // Leaps and Bounds Speech Pathology

    When is cute speech actually problem speech? What are the key speech milestone and what should I do if my child isn’t meeting them? Libby Wallace is a leading Paediatric speech pathologist in Newcastle. Listen as she shares with us the science behind the therapy, the red flags to look out for and tips that all parents should listen to about caring for our kids. What is your experience with Speech pathology? Leave a comment and let us know!

    Posted by Atune Health Centres on Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Leaps and Bounds Speech Pathology // Health Highlights

Leaps and Bounds Speech Pathology // Health Highlights2022-05-23T15:18:51+10:00
  • Health Highlights (Kids Special) // Dr Vanessa Cairns

    Dr Vanessa Cairns is a Paediatrician in Warners Bay. When you have just had a baby, your world is often turned upside down. We all have questions and wish we could have a Paediatrician on hand. Don’t miss this opportunity to have a front row seat to your own Paediatrician as Vanessa talks to us about all things babies. - What are the most common conditions she see’s today? - My baby isn’t sleep what should I do? - Demand vs pattern feeding - Breastfeeding / solids - Her tips on raising babies and more Do you have a questions? we would love to answer it for you!

    Posted by Atune Health Centres on Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dr Vanessa Cairns (Kids Special) // Health Highlights

Dr Vanessa Cairns (Kids Special) // Health Highlights2022-05-23T15:18:52+10:00
  • Health Highlights // Anesthetist - Dr Andrew Philips

    Ever wondered exactly what an anesthetist does? Watch as we go behind the scenes with anesthetist Dr Andrew Philips. What goes on in pre op? What is an anesthetist roll during an operation? How does an anesthetist make sure you aren't waking up or feeling anything during the operation? Watch this fascinating interview to find out! We would love to hear your thoughts on anesthesia and the video :D

    Posted by Atune Health Centres on Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Anesthetist – Dr Andrew Philips // Health Highlights

Anesthetist – Dr Andrew Philips // Health Highlights2022-05-23T15:19:09+10:00
  • Health Highlights // Lauren Parker

    The inspirational story of Lauren Parker. Lauren was a world renowned triathlete just starting to make her mark on the sport, when a freak accident put her in a wheelchair. Despite such a life changing event, 4 months after being discharged from hospital Lauren competed and won a bronze medal in the para-triathlon at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in the Gold Coast. In the process she captured the hearts of our nation. In this amazing interview Lauren shares with us her inspirational story of triumph and how she has overcome adversity. This interview will inspire you! Please show your support for Lauren in the comments below!

    Posted by Atune Health Centres on Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Lauren Parker // Health Highlights

Lauren Parker // Health Highlights2022-05-23T15:19:09+10:00
  • Health Highlights // Feldenkrias

    What is Feldenkrais? Georgi Laney is one of the Hunters leading Feldenkrais practitioners. Listen as she shares the power of neuroplasticity found in the technique know as Feldenkrais. She will explain: - How it works - Who can benefit and the benefits they experience every day - How Feldenkrais differs from yoga and Pilates - Watch a class in action and an individual session in motion. This is a fascinating insight into how Feldenkrais works. Let us know your thoughts about Georgi and neuroplasticity?

    Posted by Atune Health Centres on Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Feldenkrais // Health Highlights

Feldenkrais // Health Highlights2022-05-23T15:19:10+10:00
  • Health Highlights // Cyndi O Meara ( international speaker/ nutritionist) – PART 2

    This is a fascinating interview that EVERY PARENT should hear. Cyndi explains: - Why nutrition is medicine! - The incredible results seen when disease is treated with nutrition. - Cholesterol – is it really as bad as science has made out! - Chemical manipulation of food and its effect on you! - Gut health/ food intolerance's and healing your Gut! - Genetically modified foods – why to avoid these foods. - Chemicals sprayed on our food that are destroying your health every day! - Organic vs non-organic We would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a comment below!

    Posted by Atune Health Centres on Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Cyndi O’Meara – PART 2 // Health Highlights

Cyndi O’Meara – PART 2 // Health Highlights2022-05-23T15:19:10+10:00
  • Health Highlights // Jack O'Brien

    Jack O’Brien has built a physiotherapy empire here in the Hunter with 5 locations in 6 years. Hear Jack talk about: - how patient centre care works in practice today and the power of the patient therapist relationship. - Why is sitting the new smoking? - The power of the ergonomic stand up desk and the physiological benefit to your health. - Why motion is lotion to your health. - His top tips about injury management. What are your thoughts on stand-up desk stations? Let us know below!

    Posted by Atune Health Centres on Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Jack O’Brien // Health Highlights

Jack O’Brien // Health Highlights2022-05-23T15:19:10+10:00
  • Health Highlights // Genesis Fitness

    Health Highlights//John Pirlo (Genesis Fitness) has built a fitness empire with 10 Genesis fitness centres located throughout the Hunter. John shares his incredible story of success, how exercise at a young age saved his life and ignited a passion for getting our community moving. His innovate approach to fitness is getting people moving and the new program NINJA parc ( which we will show you) is making fitness fun everyday. We would love your comments on this great interview with John.

    Posted by Atune Health Centres on Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Genesis Fitness // Health Highlights

Genesis Fitness // Health Highlights2022-05-23T15:19:10+10:00
  • Health Highlights // Proactive Rehab

    Health Highlights// Mark Goswell is not just an EP, he understands chronic pain and it’s debilitating effects on your body. Mark shares with us his pain journey and how he has used exercise to overcome his own body issues and then turn this passion into helping others everyday. Listen to Mark talk about the power of exercise over diabetes, chronic disease and workplace injuries and how exercise can be used to help you overcome your illnesses. What is your experience with exercise and recovery.

    Posted by Atune Health Centres on Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Proactive Rehab with Mark Goswell // Health Highlights

Proactive Rehab with Mark Goswell // Health Highlights2022-05-23T15:19:11+10:00