Mark Baer - ATUNE Health Centres - Osteopath
B.App.Sc.(Osteo) / M.Ost. UWS
Mark is a registered osteopath and member of the Australian Osteopathic Association who graduated from the University of Western Sydney with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Osteopathy, and a Masters of Osteopathy in 2003. He joined the team at ATUNE in 2010.
Prior to studying osteopathy, he began his career in holistic health in 1995 gaining qualifications in both Remedial Massage and Myofascial Release and worked as a massage therapist for seven years. Mark is continually inspired by the applications of osteopathy. "What I have learnt during my time is that the body truly does have a strong capacity and drive to maximise its health and recover from physical strain, pain and illness, I feel that osteopathy is a modality that naturally supports this inherent process".
As an osteopath, Mark is honoured to work with a diverse range of people with a diverse range of needs. Mark combines the practicalities of osteopathy with pragmatic take-home advice to ensure that clients are well supported.
A keen community volunteer, Mark was a massage therapist for Surfest in 1995 and 1997 and was a co-founder of the North Wollongong Community Garden in 1999. "The Garden" as it is affectionately known, continues strong to this day as a demonstration site on the principles of sustainability and permaculture. Mark also volunteered his time at Mayumarri in Quarrobolong, a unique healing retreat for survivors of child abuse, helping to create a productive kitchen garden for the centre. Mark is also a mad keen surfer and has a healthy respect for the ocean.