Dr Amanda Reimann - ATUNE Health Centres - Nutritionist, Medical Herbalist, Biochemist

Bachelor of Advanced Science/Bachelor of Arts, Ph.D., Adv. Dip. Western Herbal Medicine, Adv. Dip. Nutritional Medicine

Amanda graduated from the Academy of Complementary Health at WEA Hunter Newcastle in July 2014. Amanda is also a Biochemist, having completed her PhD on the effects of oxidative stress in ageing and neurodegenerative diseases at the Alzheimer’s Institute for Brain Research, University of Leipzig, Germany. In addition, she worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Cardiac Surgery, University of Halle, Germany. To further enrich her role as a holistic practitioner in Western Herbal Medicine and Nutrition, Amanda is currently studying Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine as part of her next degree, a Bachelor of Health Science (Traditional Chinese Medicine) at the Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

A large part of Amanda’s clinical training in Western Herbal Nutritional Medicine was spent working alongside medical practitioners. This invaluable experience significantly contributed
towards her skills in clinical assessment and her understanding of a truly integrative approach to preventative medicine. It also led to Amanda becoming a vital member of the Integrated Oncology team at ATUNE.

Amanda is married with three children and enjoys swimming in the ocean, walking in nature and camping with her family. She appreciates the value of conventional western medicine, especially during conversations with her husband, who works as a general physician and nephrologist with an additional qualification in clinical pharmacology. Amanda is passionate about helping others to identify the various factors that lead to ill health and to address these with diet, lifestyle and natural medicine.