Current research shows that up to 70% of women will experience lower back pain during pregnancy. It’s no surprise given the amount of mechanical change that a woman’s body undergoes while pregnant. The more important question is, how do I get relief from low back pain?
Preventative health care is always a great option. The fitter, healthier and more mobile a woman is before and during pregnancy, the less likely she is to experience lower back pain. Remember, moderate exercise during pregnancy is recommended. A qualified women’s health physiotherapist can guide you through what type and intensity of exercise is right for you.
Low back pain is also more likely to occur in pregnant women with pre-existing injuries. Resolving strains and sprains prior to, or in the early stages of pregnancy can reduce the risk of low back pain in the third trimester when the body is put under the most strain. Osteopaths are great at looking at the body holistically and gently correcting any biomechanical changes that could cause pain down the track.
If you’ve already hit the third trimester and are just starting to experience low back pain, there are still plenty of things that can help. Some women enjoy a pregnancy massage to relieve general tension. In more severe cases, osteopaths can address the biomechanical compensations that arise during pregnancy which can contribute to low back pain. These might include increases in spinal curvature, widening of the hips and rib cage, increased pressure on the pubic bone and tailbone, and compression of the diaphragm. Osteopathic treatment helps a woman’s body to adapt and be dynamically balanced to minimise pain and discomfort, and lower back pain during pregnancy.
Article by Nicola Tonson - Osteopath at ATUNE Health Centres
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