Congratulations! You are growing a little human!  

Your body is going through a huge amount of change - both physically and mentally - and massage treatment is a great tool to help you in this journey.  

There are a lot of benefits to pregnancy massage (also called Prenatal massage). As a support for the mother, this form of massage can target common pregnancy aches and pains in the back, pelvic, shoulder and neck areas.  


As well as being a great way to have an hour of pampering and self-care, your whole system may benefit from reduced fluid retention, reduced stress, stabilised blood pressure and hormonal changes. Sleep pattern and overall comfort are improved. If there is ever a time to help support your system in this way - pregnancy would be it!  


As a qualified remedial massage therapist, I have undertaken extra training through Pregnancy Massage Australia. This allows me to support my pregnancy clients right through from conception, to birth and beyond.  

 I have a personal passion for pregnancy massage, as I feel that mums-to-be are some of the most deserving massage clients. Massage is standard care for pregnant women in many cultures, yet today in Western culture, it is often underestimated or overlooked.  

The female body undergoes an enormous amount of transformation during pregnancy and motherhood. Supporting these transitions with massage means providing relief and integration. As well as changing the culture of care for mothers carrying new life - something I feel is necessary. By supporting yourself with massage therapy, you normalise honouring the important role of motherhood.   


What are the best times to book in for Pregnancy Massage? 

Appointment recommendations vary by trimester. Usually one treatment is recommended during the first trimester (if not too nauseous), then monthly during second and third trimesters. Towards the end of pregnancy when physical strain may be at its peak, fortnightly treatments can be taken in preparation for labour.  


I recommend booking on the days following your OB/midwife appointment/s so that we can have a clear update on any medical screenings. For those with a pregnancy designation of ‘high risk’ - e.g. indicated issues of gestational hypertensive disorder, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, IVF and others, you must get a medical clearance before any massage treatment can be administered.  


What can I expect during a Pregancy Massage session?  

At the beginning of each session there is a short consultation for you to update the therapist with any health issues or particular concerns. This helps the therapist tailor the massage treatment to your needs and safety.  

Some questions we ask at each visit: 

‘How are you feeling?’ 

‘Do you have any body aches and pains?’ 

‘Do you have any pregnancy-related concerns?’ 

‘How has your blood pressure been?’ 

‘Are baby’s movements feeling consistent and regular?’ 

During an initial consultation, we will ask the above, plus a few more questions to consider your particular situation. Such as: gestational week, due date, gestational history, frequency of current medical visits, any high-risk related concerns, and about any previous pregnancy & birthing experience/s. All of this can have an impact on how we might navigate appropriate massage treatment. 

During the first trimester, treatment goes for 45 minutes - this is because this trimester is the most crucial and sensitive time in your pregnancy. (Statistically, risk of miscarriage halves once the second trimester is reached.) 

First trimester is commonly the most nauseous stage of pregnancy, due to high increases in hormones progesterone and oestrogen. In a first-trimester treatment session, you can lay prone (on your stomach) with a pregnancy pillow and the type of massage is very gentle, focussing on helping to relax the body and mind and decrease any stress and anxiety you may be experiencing in this time. Your body is doing so much work, even if physical changes aren’t very noticeable yet. 

In second and third trimesters, we can use some remedial techniques to release the lumbar and hips. You will be side-lying, as this provides the most comfort to you and baby. This treatment will generally be a bit longer with an hour full-body massage including focussed techniques to ease your aches and pains.  


Pregnancy Massage at ATUNE Health Centres 

Here at ATUNE Health Centres, I have created a package for my pregnant clients designed specifically to look after our mothers-to-be. The package allows me to support you in your pregnancy journey and also help along the post-natal pathway. 

My Mothers-to-Be Package includes 4 pregnancy treatments and one post-natal treatment at no cost (only valid with Jessica Butler). 

Feel free to call ATUNE Heath Centres to discuss your treatment package. Or click here to book with me now. I look forward to supporting you in conception, pregnancy, post-partum and beyond! 


Article written by Jessica Butler - Remedial Massage Therapist.

Want to learn more about Pregnancy massage? Click here to watch a short video with our remedial Massage Therapist Jessica Butler.